Please choose one of the following options

Current Signal Timing Request ($113.30 + HST /per intersection)

Current traffic signal timings are timings that represent the current traffic signal timing and display sequence in operation at the signalized intersection.

Signal timing information provided are not a legal document and cannot be presented as evidence in a court of law.

Collection Notice: Personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of the “Municipal Act” and will be used to assist Regional Staff in making a decision on this request should be forwarded to Transportation, 150 Frederick Street, 7th Floor, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J3, 519-575-4400 or

Filming Event ($46.35)

The Region of Waterloo supports the film industry and issues film permits for approved filming projects in our community. You must apply for a permit before you can start filming on a Regional road. This allows us to protect Regional property, while ensuring the rights, safety and privacy of our citizens. Please submit the permit no later than five business days before filming. When filming on property that is not Regional property, please ensure the proper permissions are in place as well as all applicable insurances.

To obtain approval for: Townships of North Dumfries, Wilmot or Wellesley, complete application form (below) and fax to 519-575-4453 or email to

To obtain approval for:

City of Cambridge contact via Email or Phone: 519-621-0740 x4324

City of Kitchener contact via Email or Phone: 519-741-2200 x7373

City of Waterloo contact via Email or Phone: 519-886-2310 x30270

Township of Woolwich contact via Email or Phone: 519-669-6041

For more specific details governing special events refer to Filming Bylaw 05-075.

Collection Notice: Personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of the “Municipal Act” and will be used to assist Regional Staff in making a decision on this permit should be forwarded to Transportation, 150 Frederick Street, 7th Floor, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J3, 519-575-4400.

Historical Signal Information (Legal Request) ($457.30 + HST /per intersection)

Historical Signal Information Requests pertain to all requests related to the history of a signalized intersection. This includes but is not limited to the operation, changes to operation, status of a signal (in flash) and the signal timing that was in effect on a specific date/time period within the past seven (7) years.

Since historical signal information can be presented in a court of law, the Region undertakes a thorough examination of traffic control system logs, signal timing logs and maintenance records before the data is provided.

A non-refundable payment is required with the application and will be processed prior to any investigation by the Region.

Collection Notice: Personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of the “Municipal Act” and will be used to assist Regional Staff in making a decision on this request should be forwarded to Transportation, 150 Frederick Street, 7th Floor, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J3, 519-575-4400 or

Municipal Consent ($664.41 + HST)

Municipal consent is the written consent of the Commissioner or Designate to install, upgrade, downsize, occupy or remove public or private infrastructure, equipment, hardware or appurtenances within the Region's road right-of-way.

Collection Notice: Personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of the “Municipal Act” and will be used to assist Regional Staff in making a decision on this permit should be forwarded to Transportation, 150 Frederick Street, 7th Floor, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J3, 519-575-4400.

Please note that if shoring and tie-backs are proposed, which encroach the Regional Right-of-Way, a separate Municipal Consent Application will be required. As part of this application, detailed shoring and tie-back drawings will need to be provided and reviewed by Region staff. The applicant will also need to enter an Encroachment Agreement with the Region.

Noise Assessment Requests ($515.00)

Traffic forecasts will provide estimates of current and 10-year forecast Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), medium and heavy truck percentages of total traffic, day/night ratios and posted speed.

Traffic forecasts will be provided within 15 business days of the date of the request, but will be withheld, if necessary, until payment has been received.

Collection Notice: Personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of the “Municipal Act” and will be used to assist Regional Staff in making a decision on this request should be forwarded to Transportation, 150 Frederick Street, 7th Floor, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J3, 519-575-4400 or

Oversize Loads

An oversize load permit is required to move loads that exceed Ministry of Transportation accepted limits by, height, length, width or weight as set out in the Highway Traffic Act.
Permits to move oversize loads are broken into two classifications:
1. Oversize Load (CAD: $56.65): and
2. Superload (CAD: $190.55)
Applications that require a Superload Permit should be submitted at least 20 business days prior to the planned move.
Terms and Conditions

Special Event ($46.35)

A special event permit is required for anyone wanting to hold a parade/procession, ceremony, street dance/party, beer garden, solicitation of donations from a motor vehicle (toll road), sidewalk/street sale, festival/carnival, race/walk-a-thon, demonstration or any similar event that requires a lane or road closure or may interfere with the normal flow of traffic on a Regional Road, but does not include a wedding or funeral procession, picketing, or an activity for which the Region has granted a Filming Event Permit or a Work Permit.

To obtain approval for: Townships of North Dumfries, Wilmot or Wellesley, complete application form (below) and fax to 519-575-4453 or email to

To obtain approval for:

City of Cambridge contact via Email or Phone: 519-621-0740 x4324

City of Kitchener contact via Email or Phone: 519-741-2200 x7373

City of Waterloo contact via Email or Phone: 519-886-2310 x30270

Township of Woolwich contact via Email or Phone: 519-669-6041

For more specific details governing special events refer to Special Event Bylaw 05-076.

Collection Notice: Personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of the “Municipal Act” and will be used to assist Regional Staff in making a decision on this permit should be forwarded to Transportation, 150 Frederick Street, 7th Floor, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J3, 519-575-4400.

Synchro Network Requests ($22.66 + HST /per intersection per time period)

The Region maintains a Synchro Network (version 10) of approximately 500 signalized intersections in the region. The Region will only provide existing files and will not modify or create Synchro files based on requests received.

The fee is per intersection per time period.

Collection Notice: Personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of the “Municipal Act” and will be used to assist Regional Staff in making a decision on this request should be forwarded to Transportation, 150 Frederick Street, 7th Floor, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J3, 519-575-4400 or

Work Permit ($226.60)

A work permit is required for anyone wanting to occupy a Regional road, shoulder, sidewalk or right-of-way, even if the work is not expected to damage the road. The permit must be obtained in advance of the work being done. See the schedule below for more information.

A permit is required for all work including excavation, cut or trench; to install, construct, place, move, remove, relocate, adjust, alter, clean, maintain, test, repair, replace, improve or restore infrastructure in, over, under, across or along a Regional road, or on any road that extends from a Regional road on to private property, or on an unopened Regional road.

If a Work Permit is required for the purpose of constructing or modifying an access in which an Access Permit was required and approved, a copy of the approved Access Permit must accompany the submission of the Work Permit.

The applicant must have the approval to sign on behalf of the Owner/Proponent and Contractor.

Collection Notice: Personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of the “Municipal Act” and will be used to assist Regional Staff in making a decision on this permit should be forwarded to Transportation, 150 Frederick Street, 7th Floor, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J3, 519-575-4400.